Dreams are a Two-Way Window: How to Lucid Dream

How to Lucid Dream: The Dangers and Rewards 

Infinity captured in an hourglass, turn it over and it begins again. That’s what dreams are to me. I always romanticized dreams as a window into innumerable secret worlds and forbidden fantasies. It wasn’t until I began lucid dreaming that I realized every time I look out through the window, something else is looking back at me.

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From Rags to Stitches

For those who feel they are not good enough

Growing up without a dad, it was so easy to blame him for everything that went wrong. Mom wouldn’t have to be gone all the time if he was here. She wouldn’t be so stressed and angry. I would have done better in school if someone helped me with my homework. I wouldn’t be so alone.

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When the Music Dies

The haunting music plays me to sleep…

“Dad, what happened to mom?”

Lying to a five year old is easy. My dad would take me onto the roof at night and point up at the endless vaulting sky. “See up there?” he’d say. “That’s where your mom lives. Way up in the stars. It’s her job to play music and make everyone down below happy.”

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Call of the Void

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The Mponeng Mine


My feet rest on solid ground, but my mind is far from easy. On the pathway to the edge of sanity I approach the abyss, until standing on the brink I am as vacuous as the unfathomable beyond. The savage wound gouged into the earth is terrible to behold, yet my eyes are drawn to inexorably probe the heart of darkness leading to the infernal depths of the mine. Even my eyes must travel lightly, for staring induces a pressure like a heavy object tearing its way through a suspension of thin fabric.

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My daughter spoke before she was born

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“Mommy.” My daughter’s first word. Isn’t that what every new mother is dying to hear? One word to magically transform this organic object into a new human being. All the pain and fear and doubt suddenly have purpose. One word, and mothers will know it was all worthwhile.

“I love you mommy.”

I just wish little Claire had waited until she was born to say it.

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The Grim Reaper’s Scythe

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There is no fear as potent as the fear of the unknown. No monstrous visage discovered yet has been as terrifying as the infinite potential for horror which exists before the mask is removed.

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Footprints on the Ocean Floor

Where man has been, man has left his mark. From the irrevocable alteration of ecosystems to the mass extinction of indigenous life, we have slashed and burned our way through every corner of this planet. Out of all the contamination I’ve come across in my twenty years as a marine biologist however, there’s nothing that has left so grievous an impact on my psyche as the footprints I discovered on the ocean floor.

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