I buy and sell memories

You know those people who treat everything like they’ve just been asked to climb mount Everest? Where every little thing is an insurmountable ordeal, whether it’s waking up, taking a shower, or even just going outside? Almost as if the whole world was an elaborate conspiracy designed solely to slightly inconvenience them, god-forbid some effort was actually required to survive.

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Dreams are a Two-Way Window: How to Lucid Dream

How to Lucid Dream: The Dangers and Rewards 

Infinity captured in an hourglass, turn it over and it begins again. That’s what dreams are to me. I always romanticized dreams as a window into innumerable secret worlds and forbidden fantasies. It wasn’t until I began lucid dreaming that I realized every time I look out through the window, something else is looking back at me.

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From Rags to Stitches

For those who feel they are not good enough

Growing up without a dad, it was so easy to blame him for everything that went wrong. Mom wouldn’t have to be gone all the time if he was here. She wouldn’t be so stressed and angry. I would have done better in school if someone helped me with my homework. I wouldn’t be so alone.

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Our Suicide Watch Party

“Suicide bridge” is a short overpass which runs nearby my house. It has laughably short concrete barriers which do nothing to dissuade people from clambering over if they want to. Below, there’s a treacherous drop at least 200 feet to tumble along the sheer cliff and plummet into the canyon below.

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Hospice of Hope

Hey horror fans. My name is Tobias Wade, and I’ve been writing horror stories here for the last six months. I recently found a technique which I feel has vastly improved my descriptive prose, and I hope sharing it will inspire others to try it out for themselves.

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A Day with Schizophrenia

Hey guys, it’s me Alex with another livejournal update. I posted a google hangouts AMA last week about what it was like to live with paranoid schizophrenia. Sorry for leaving early. It was starting to get so loud that it hurt. I’m not comfortable being seen like that. I don’t like it when people see me shake either.

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